Thursday 13 April 2017

Top 6 Traders

IGOFX traders monthly profit results. Rm600,000 can buy a house.

You invest in IGOFX let u earn rm600,000 in 3 years.

You invest in 20% fixed return let you earn rm600,000 in 62 years.

With my experience, I estimate IGOFX can last for 50 years also no problem but if you worry IGOFX suddenly close in 3 years and lost all your usd1000, actually you can wait IGOFX let you earn usd1000 in 6 to 9 months, then you withdraw out the usd1000 profit, it mean you get back your usd1000 in that period of months, but your IGOFX account still have usd1000 profit to roll for 3 years become rm600,000. It mean you take 3 years + 6-9 months to earn rm600,000.

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