Thursday, 20 April 2017

IGOFX power of compound

If your planning on OWNING a property which is worth RM600,000+ in the next 3 years. You may consider IGOFX COPYTRADE & COMPOUNDING IB PROGRAM.

Learn how by just investing $1,000 and turning it into $150,000 in just short 3 years.

Wechat: danielleekailun

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Top 6 Traders

IGOFX traders monthly profit results. Rm600,000 can buy a house.

You invest in IGOFX let u earn rm600,000 in 3 years.

You invest in 20% fixed return let you earn rm600,000 in 62 years.

With my experience, I estimate IGOFX can last for 50 years also no problem but if you worry IGOFX suddenly close in 3 years and lost all your usd1000, actually you can wait IGOFX let you earn usd1000 in 6 to 9 months, then you withdraw out the usd1000 profit, it mean you get back your usd1000 in that period of months, but your IGOFX account still have usd1000 profit to roll for 3 years become rm600,000. It mean you take 3 years + 6-9 months to earn rm600,000.

4th Month with IGOFX

Start to register a free account via link below: (Note: Need to use Computer to register, Not able to support registration via Phone)
IGOFX Registration

Today marked my 4th month with IGOFX. Invested with 1000 USD on 4th Dec, top up 100USD on January 2017.

Some of you ask always win? where got so good? Actually it's not always win, there is lose and win. Where got 100% win in forex trading???

So here attached is the Vladislav trading record

 I trust IGOFX because it's transparent. Minimum investment is USD 100. No need to trade yourself.
- Profit Sharing. 70:30 (70% you get from profit, 30% company take) Means Earn USD 100, You get USD 70, while company take USD 30
- Capital not lock!
- Withdraw any amount(min 1USD), anytime. No Charges on withdrawal.

You can refer to my old post for my own account value at that time.
My Own Account value (Posted on Thursday, 15 December 2016)

What are you waiting for? the more you wait, you are losing on the earning opportunity.

You may add my wechat for further question
wechat: danielleekailun